DemoSE Project 2026 - Introduction and Help

DemoSE Project 2026 - Introduction and Help

DemoSE[D1]  Project 2026 - Introduction and Help


The CROW Act 2000 contains legislation which extinguishes all historic Rights of Way that are not recorded on the definitive map by 2026. It established a Discovery Lost Ways (DLW) project that failed dismally and was abandoned because of the enormity of the task.

The 2026 cut off date was specifically asked for by the landowner organisations (CLA, NFU etc) to ensure that all rights of way are correctly recorded by the 2026 date. This date and landowner wishes were retained by the Stakeholder Working Group on Unrecorded Public Rights of Way which produced the "Stepping Forward" report to Natural England in 2010. The cut-of date was retained despite the failure of the DLW project.

Project Aim:

The Aim of our volunteer led project is to meet the wishes of the landowners and the terms of the associated legislation in ensuring that all meaningful Unrecorded Rights of Way as far as possible have been researched, and necessary steps taken to ensure any associated rights are not unnecessarily extinguished at that date.

Project Organisation

  • The Project is being Coordinated by the British Horse Society working closely with the Ramblers.
  • The project is being managed online via an interactive map of possible unrecorded routes.
  • Any volunteer can join the project and contribute directly with giving any information about "lost" or unrecorded routes.
  • We welcome walkers, riders, historians, cyclists etc to help.

Getting Started

To become involved visit

The project is organised based on an Interactive Map of identified Unrecorded Routes.

We will welcome information from walkers to add routes that are either ridden or walked. This is a joint project between the BHS, and the Ramblers.

On the web map, select your[D2]  place of interest via the Search Box, or zoom manually to your place of interest.

  • Each path has a green dot on it. Clicking on this dot will display information about the path and also give further information options.
  • You can quickly display the path on various old maps on the NLS site.
  • If you click Research Record you will be taken to the Research Record for that path.

The project Page (for a path):

  • The Research Record for each path holds research information about the path that you, the volunteers, have provided. This data can very easily be downloaded to a spreadsheet for volunteers who will find it useful.
  • The Grid Ref is automatically displayed from the map.
  • The Research Record provides a full template for everyone to work to.
  • The Research Records for a parish are easily downloaded to a speadsheet (eg Excel) if required.
  • The Research Record fields may be added to in the future if required.
  • Any 2026 volunteer can update the Research Record for a path.
  • All the Research Record are held securely on a BHS web server.
  • For data security, no actual data record is ever modified when updates are added. The previous versions are all retained and viewed by paging back. The Notes/Mmemo field (if memo notes are added for an update) under the Update History and Notes in the Research Record gives full update history/progress.
  • To make amendments[D3]  volunteers have to register their email and get a pin to enable update. This is for obvious security reasons.
  • Enter your information into the work sheet[D4]  and click “Update”. You will be asked for your email and Pin. You can also obtain your Pin via that web page.
  • Anyone who has interest in, or looks at, a particular path should make sure the web record is up to date.
  • Anyone with knowledge can add information to the record.
  • As all researched information is visible, it will avoid duplication of research and enable good coordination of the project.
  • The Notes by each item are intended to give a quick summary of the evidence found. Tick if you have checked an item and note your conclusions. Also you can give an estimated star rating for that piece of evidence at the start (For star ratings refer to Bucks and Wadey, Restoring the Record (Bucks & Wadey Publishing* to **********).
  • The Notes/Memo memo field under Update History and Notes near the bottom of the Research Record page at the bottom is for you to say what you have added or updated. Add your name when making changes so that the admin manager can contact if any clarification is necessary/nickname if you wish.
  • The text boxes are maximum 254 characters (box does scroll).
  • The Notes /Mmemo box it not limited in length.
  • It is VERY EASY TO USE, just add information and click update.

Virtual Library:

On the Worksheet[D5]  there are links to Guidance Notes and also to an on line Virtual Library of accumulated maps and other documents for your county.

Volunteers may upload their own research maps and other documents[D6] .


The level of anyone's involvement is purely dependent upon your available time and abilities.

Please do contribute as much or as little as you wish. The list below will give you some guidance (Simplest first)

1.     Let us know of any routes/paths in your area that you believe were used as old roads or rights of way and which are not recorded (on the definitive map/OS Map) as byway, bridleway or footpath[D7] .

You may find these routes from visual evidence, your own knowledge of your area or by looking at old and current maps

2.     Find out a bit more about the history of these paths from other people in the area

3.     Do more serious research by checking the path(s) against old maps and other documents (with reference to the guidance given in Restoring the Record (Bucks Wadey)

4.     Record all your findings on the Research Record Project[D8]  Page for each path - This is MOST IMPORTANT.

5.     Consider preparing and submitting a Definitive Map Modification Order for a path or paths.

Help and Guidance

More Online Help and Guidance is still to be added. 

Please let us know of any technical issues you encounter,

Please contact us at anytime for further help and advice or if you think the form or guidance wants improving.




 [D1]when we have our Sussex project , this would be changed to Sussex Project 2026

 [D2]insert  'r'

 [D3]Is this true for amendments or just for Adding a Path - once the volunteer has a pin presumably they don't need another one for amendments? This might be made a bit clearer.

 [D4]should this read Research Record for the path as we don't really have work sheets now do we?

 [D5]should this not now read Research Record for each path?

 [D6]think we need to clarify this

 [D7]HILARY - you made a comment here - along the lines For Sussex, see the Definitive Maps  ----- can you clarify what you meant here please?

 [D8]should this now be Research Record rather than Project Page
