Project 2026 - British Horse Society

This is a national web based project with the aim of identifying routes which potentially are unrecorded Rights of Way and to record progress towards submitting Definitive Map Modification Order Applications. There is a separate sub-project for each County or Local Highways Authority area.


The CROW Act 2000 contains legislation which extinguishes all historical Rights of Way that are not recorded on the definitive map by 2026.

Project Aim

The aim of our volunteer-led project is to ensure that, as far as possible, all unrecorded rights of way have been researched, and necessary steps taken to protect those rights from being extinguished on 1 January 2026. That will usually mean making an application to add unrecorded rights to the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way for the relative highway authority and having the application recorded on the authority's register of applications.

Project Organisation

Please click on the link to the project for your County or Local Highways Authority.

If your County or Local Highways Authority is not listed, please contact