Tockholes Woods and Moors Link Rides Print

This map adds links to the Woods and Moors Rides, so it is now possible to extend the Ride lengths as much or as little as preferred. For parking, see the Woods and Moors Ride Maps.

Download:    TockholesRide3.gpx   Tockholes Links Ride3 Waypoints.gpx

THLINKWP1 Waypoint 1
The bridleway now crosses the dam causeway,t urn left at the far side and the track narrows as it climbs Donkey Brew. United Utilites are still working in the dam area.
THLINKWP2 Waypoint 2
At the junction carry on straight across towards the road or turn right to go round the longer link following the bridleway round to the road.
THLINKWP3 Waypoint 3
Turn left at the road and follow it round for about 200 yds., turn right and cross the road to the gate.
THLINKWP4 Waypoint 4
You can now turn right and follow the woods ride or turn left, towards the junction to the Visitor Center.
THLINKWP5 Waypoint 5
At this junction you can turn left up the hill to the Visitor Center using the Woods Ride Map or carry straight on to the next junction.
THLINKWP6 Waypoint 6
At this junction you can turn right and follow the Woods Ride in reverse [but not advisable because of the main road] or carry straight on up the hill towards the Well.
THLINKWP7 Waypoint 7
Continue to follow the track up hill to the junction.
THLINKWP8 Waypoint 8
At the junction turn left and follow the track to the road and turn right for about 130 yds. and turn left at the gate.
THLINKWP9 Waypoint 9
At the junction continue straight on around the side of Cartridge Hill.
THLINKWP10 Waypoint 10
The link joins the Moors Ride, turn left for the visitor center [Not advisable to ride Down Step Back] or carry on towards the Darwen Tower.
THLINKWP11 Waypoint 11
You can either ride down this link or up the link meeting the Moors Ride at each end.
THLINKWP12 Waypoint 12
You can either ride up the hill or down the hill meeting the Moors Ride at each end.
THLINKWP13 Waypoint 13
When you reach the road turn right.
THLINKWP14 Waypoint 14
Turn left keeping the Rock Pub on your right, and follow the road down to the junction.
THLINKWP Waypoint 15
15 Road
Keep to the left junction and again at the next junction.
THLINKWP16 Waypoint 16
At the tee junction carry straight on, the bridleway now climbing back to the road, turn right and follow the road round to WP 3 and continue on the rest of the link.
THLINKWP17 Waypoint 17
Turn right on the road to junction 3.