South Gloucestershire Circular Rides - Ride 5 - Horton,Iron Acton (22.6 miles 36.15 km ) Print

A Ride starting at Horton Village Hall Car ParkExplorer 155 Grid Ref: ST763843

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Turn right out of car park and ride through Horton village to Bushes Lane on right. After the farmyard take bridleway on right between hedges to Vinney Lane. Turn left and follow Vinney Lane. When you reach a bridleway cross- roads with a gate on your right you can either: ALTERNATIVE 1 keep straight on into Ladys Wood bridleway. This section is usually very muddy. ALTERNATIVE 2 Turn left and follow the bridleway to Mapleridge On reaching Mapleridge Lane, turn right and ride to the B 4060.

TAKE Waypoint 1
CARE! THIS ROAD IS FAIRLY BUSY AND FAST. Cross over and follow road down Bury Hill Take right road at bottom (Tanhouse Lane) and continue over a railway bridge to a crossroads (right hand road is a byway). Turn left into Engine Common Lane, and fairly soon turn right into a bridleway track. Follow right through, past a road on the left, keeping to the right of an arena. At the end, turn right back into Engine Common Lane, and at the T-junction turn right. MINOR ROAD, BUT COUNCIL DEPOT AT END.
Cross Waypoint 2
North Road WITH CARE and continue along cul de sac to 34059. Turn right along wide grass verge using purpose built bridleway next to cycle track to just past roundabout. CROSS VERY BUSY ROAD WITH CARE to small lane opposite. Cross next road to Bridge Road ahead to the right. proceed over the railway bridge, nght at the T-junction into Hope Lane. Then right at the next T-junction into Nibley Lane and follow road (crossing over the railway) to Iron Acton. Take the first right (slightly back) up road to the 84058. Turn left along wide grass verge (on 84048), crossing three roads and a railway to a left turn into a bridleway track known as Hovers Lane.
Cross Waypoint 3
ford and continue to end. Follow road (known as Frampton End Road) straight ahead to T-junction.
Turn Waypoint 4
right onto the FAIRLY BUSY CHURCH ROAD, and then left after the river (opposite Frampton Church). Follow the purpose built trail along the Glebe Land. Turn right up Rectory Road, left along School Road thon left along Court Road, going straight ahead into bridleway (left hand entrance) when the road bends to the right. Follow bri&way over River Frome and up to end. Turn right, then left down Heather Avenue. right at end and to the traffic lights.
Cross Waypoint 5
over A432 (TAKE CARE, BUSY ROAD!), turning right at the Ring of Bells Pub. Ride under the railway viaduct and tum left up Ram -1M. At top of hill, carry straight on when road bends to the right and take RUPP, Broad Lane, straight ahead. This was formerly the main road between Coalpit Heath and Westerleigh. Follow to end and turn loft down track to the railway. CROSS AT THE LEVEL CROSSING. This is not a busy line, but it is used. Carry on along track, turning left at road. THIS IS A BUSY ROAD, ESPECIALLY AT COMMUTER TIMES. Take first turn right and follow road past Wapley Common and Church up to B4465.
Turn Waypoint 6
left along short stretch of BUSY ROAD and take first left towards Chipping Sodbury. THIS ROAD CAN BE BUSY AND FAST, ESPECIALLY AT COMMUTER TIMES. Follow road down hill for some distance. taking the third turning right towards Dodington.
Turn Waypoint 7
left into Kingrove Common through a field gate and cross the Common on a track which is grassed over in places. Keep straight ahead then bear left to a gate in the far hedge. Follow road over railway bridge, turn right into Grocnhayos and round barrier to Smarts Green. CROSS ROUNDABOUT ON A432 (plenty Of grass verges) taking third exit left into Hatters Lane Trading Estate. Follow road to Sodbury Common and turn right to cross Common.
You Waypoint 8
can ride alongside road but not Out onto Common. After Common follow road to Horton, keeping straight ahead until back at village Hall and start point.