Aspley Heath (9.5km) Print

Aspley Heath Waypoint 1
Aspley Heath, Ride 9 in the Bedfordshire on Horseback series. Approx 9.5km (6 mile). This ride is predominantly in woodland, on mainly sandy ground and starts form a well signed car park off the A5130 between Woburn and Woburn Sands. Car park opening hours Nov-Jan 0700-1630, Mar-Oct 0700-1800, Apr-Sep 0700-2000. Please allow plenty of time to avoid getting locked in. In the woodlands, there are a number of permissive rides but please do not use these without a valid permit obtainable from The Greensand Trust (01525 237760). The On leaving car park (GR 325936) turn right onto road and ride to the crossroads at Kiln Ground.

Aspley Heath Waypoint 2
Turn left on road signed Woburn Golf Club, ride past the Golf Club entrance and continue on the road to T-junction. Alternative Route (recommented in winter months): about 500m after golf club entrance is a bridleway (BW) on right (signed). This BW crosses the heath and offers a good canter opportunity but look out for golfers crossing. It joins a road by a church, turn left here downhill to BW on right, (see waypoint 6). This shortens the ride by around 1km.

Aspley Heath Waypoint 3
At the T-junction, turn right through gate and follow BW downhill for about 800m to a junction at the bottom . Bear left here and continue straight on ignoring various tracks to left and right untill you reach a T-junction by large gorse bush.

Aspley Heath Waypoint 4
Turn left here and contine left, ignoring immediate turn to right. This section is very boggy, especially in winter, you are recommended to walk. Continue about 250m to end of woodland fencing and turn right on BW (there is a footpath to the left with a stile). Follow this BW straight on for about1km until it becomes a quiet residential road at London End.

Aspley Heath Waypoint 5
At T-junction, turn right up steep hill. Continue up road to BW (signed) on left, through gate. Alternative Route: Part way up the hill there is a byway (signed) to right. Take this Byway, past church on left, to road. Turn right here and continue on road to crossroads at Kiln Ground and then back to start. This shortens the rides by 3km.

Aspley Heath Waypoint 6
Follow this clearly defined BW through Bow Brickhill Park. After about 250m at a waymark sign, turn left and then right after 50m. Continue for about 350m to a bridge. Turn right immediately after bridge on to wide BW. Continue uphill to top. Alternative Route: Continue straight on this BW to return to Kiln Ground and then back to start. This shortens the ride by about 1.5km and avoids the A5130 section.

Aspley Heath Waypoint 7
About 150m after the track levels out, turn left onto BW signed. Then right onto wide sandy BW in about 80m.

Aspley Heath Waypoint 8
Follow this BW, passing through two gates where it crosses the Sandy Lane Byway, and continuing down the wide sandy BW for about 1.5km passing in front of Fuller\'s Earth Lodge just before A5130. Alternative Route: Turn right onto the Sandy Lane Byway and continue to crossroads at Kiln Ground and then back to start, avoiding the A5130. It shortens the ride by just under 1.3km.

Aspley Heath Waypoint 9
Cross the A5130 with care, there is good visability and a safe waiting place. Turn right and then right again in about 120m signed Woburn Golf Club. Follow this road back to the car park.