South Gloucestershire Circular Rides - Ride 12 - Hawkesbury, Tresham, Hillesley (8.29 miles 13.26 km ) Print

From pond adjacient pool Farm, take the Hillesley Road (left) past the Hawkesbury Monument turning right downhill. At the left hand bend, turn right into bridleway. Go through gate ahead and follow grassy track through fields to gate into wood in left corner. Take the centre track of three and ride through woods. Pheasant pens on your left. Cross a hardcore road and continue through gate. Keep to right hand hedge across field and turn left through gate. Follow track down to the road.

Turn Waypoint 1
left through Lower Kilcott. Ride alongside the stream and past the millpond at Kilcott Mill. Take bridleway track on right, signed Cotswold Way, over stream and follow track to gate. Follow grassy track keeping hedge on left. When hedge ends keep on grassy track. When you reach a pair of gates, take the right hand one and follow track up to the road at Tresharn.

Turn Waypoint 2
left along road and follow road along ridge with good views across the Severn Vale. In Alderle take first left, to reach main road.

At Waypoint 3
junctlon with main road turn left to bridleway track. Follow bridleway through fields and tracks, keeping to the right Of the fields until a track leads you down to the junction with the track up from Kilcott Mill. Turn right and right again at road. Ride into Hillesley and turn left and left again up hill, Take bridleway track on left and follow to road at Hawkesbury Ride up hill towards Monument and back to start point.