Ruby Rides Route 2 - Along the Pegasus Way (15km) Print

RBW-201 Waypoint
From Thorndon Cross, take the public bridleway, to the left, along the dismantled railway track for one and three quarters of a mile.

RBW-202 Waypoint
Turn right after the chicane at Venndown Gates, onto the road for one and a quarter miles

RBW-203 Waypoint
Turn left onto the public bridleway, to Lower Melbury Farm. This bridleway was legally diverted in 2011 so please follow the waymarked route.

RBW-204 Waypoint
Pass through the field gate turning right onto the road.

RBW-205 Waypoint
Turn right at Bogtown Cross, signed Ashbury.

RBW-207 Waypoint
At Watland Barton take the publis bridleway on the left hand side , passing between barns and then onto a hedged lane. Continue along this bridleway and into Wadland Plantation.

RBW-208 Waypoint
At the bridleway junction turn left along the forest track and then immediately right, passing through a ford and across a field before reaching a gate leading onto a road.

RBW-209 Waypoint
Turn right on to the road.

RBW-210 Waypoint
Opposite the Ashbury Hotel turn right onto the public bridleway. Continue down the bridleway , cross the bridle bridge and follow the bridleway to the left to return to Maddaford Moor holt and Thorndon Cross.